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Fostering & Adoption

When you’ve been travelling the long road to creating your family using Fertility Treatment, it can be tempting to investigate Fostering or Adoption as a back-up plan ‘just in case’.

If this is why you have come to this page, kindly click away now. 

At A Modern Family we want to be very clear that:

Adoption is not a cure for infertility.


At the time you begin to investigate fostering or adoption as an option to creating or growing your family, A Modern Family strongly believes this must be your first and only choice.  

Children who are placed for adoption, or in the foster system, have already experienced great loss. Not only have they lost connection with their first parents, but many have been separated from siblings, friends, and other adults they deemed safe like their teachers or caregivers. 

These children need foster or adoptive parents who are committed, reliable and will stay the distance. Also, and most crucially, they need parents who have healed from their own trauma associated with unsuccessful attempts to produce biological children. 


 “Adoption is not about finding children for families; it’s about finding families for children

– Dr Joyce Maguire Pavao


A Modern Family Founder Dr Kate Heard has both the experience and knowledge to guide you along this pathway of growing your family, being an adoptive mother and emergency foster caregiver herself. 

Through her professional practice as a midwife, Kate also has experience guiding birth parents and adoptive parents through the adoption process.

If you are serious about discovering if fostering or adoption is right for you, then we would love to walk that journey with you.



Fostering or Adoption


Fostering or Adoption


Life After
Fostering or Adoption
