Fostering or Adoption


You’ve decided adoption is right for you and you’re ready to take the next steps on the pathway, but where do you start?

At A Modern Family we understand just how confusing and sometimes paralysing this next step can be, whether it be welcoming a child into your family through the foster system, domestic adoption or through international adoption.


A Modern Family Founder Dr Kate Heard has personal experience in travelling these pathways, adopting both a toddler through the domestic foster system and an older child through international adoption, as well as being an emergency foster caregiver.

Professionally, Kate has worked with many birth and prospective parents navigating infant adoption.

Kate also understands the joy and challenges of both open and closed adoption, and the responsibilities that come with parenting a child from a different culture than your own.


Choosing Fostering or Adoption Package

This package is best suited to those serious about fostering or adoption, and who are ready to embark on this exciting journey.

You are wholly committed to welcoming a new child or children into your family.

A Modern Family will help prepare you for the journey ahead. We will ensure you have all you need to feel confident heading into the interview and home study process. 

A Modern Family has the inside knowledge to help streamline and expedite the mountain of paperwork required, so that you can hold your child in your arms that much sooner.

But fostering or adopting a child isn’t just about the paperwork. 

A Modern Family will also work with you to decide when and how best to inform family and friends of your impending new family member, how to navigate relationships with those currently carrying or caring for your new child, and how to prepare your home and your new life for the changes that come with welcoming a little person into your family.


Package One Includes:

• Initial 30-minute Discovery Call.

• Five 60-minute Clarity Coaching Sessions to help you with the basic steps so that you can begin the process of fostering or adoption as soon as possible.

• A customised information pack so that you know the exact steps you need to take to move forward on your pathway, who to contact and when, as well as information sheets to assist you in preparing for your adoption or the foster process.

• Access to A Modern Family Fostering and Adoption Facebook Group with exclusive access to parents who created or extended their families through fostering or adoption.


Package Two Includes:

• Initial 30-minute Discovery Call.

• Twelve 60-minute Clarity Coaching Sessions designed to ensure that you receive the guidance and support you require throughout the foster or adoption process, when you most need it.

A Modern Family will walk alongside you as you begin the process, assisting you with the mountain of paperwork, and helping ensure you are fully prepared for the various agency meetings.

24/7 Voxer access to ensure the questions you have are answered right when you need them to be.

• A customised information pack so that you know the exact steps you need to take to move forward on your pathway, who to contact and when, as well as information sheets to assist you in preparing for your adoption or the foster process.

• Access to A Modern Family Fostering and Adoption Facebook Group with exclusive access to parents who created or extended their families through fostering or adoption.