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Fertility Treatment

Starting a family should be one of the most highly anticipated and exciting times in your life, yet here at A Modern Family, we know life doesn’t always follow along as planned.

When making a baby just isn’t happening the traditional way, it’s natural to want to turn to assisted reproductive technology in the hope of a ‘guaranteed’ family.

My husband and I never dreamed we would find ourselves sitting in front of an award-winning fertility specialist willing him to help us create a mini version of ourselves, and yet there we were with nine failed fertility cycles behind us, begging for a miracle.

While the lucky few celebrate with a babe in arms after their first fertility cycle many, like my husband and I, find themselves on a long, lonely, and often confusing pathway to parenthood. 

How I wish I’d had someone to hold my hand, to walk alongside me, someone who knew the crippling anxiety, fear and pain I was feeling on a daily basis. 


 I had so many questions that I was too afraid to ask:

“What have I done to make my body fail me?”

“Will my husband leave me if I can’t give him a child?”

“Who am I if I can’t be a mother?”


But as a successful career woman I felt I needed to keep up appearances. I was the person everyone relied on, there was no possible way I could fall apart. 

Yet fall apart I did, just silently, scared and very much alone.

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

Whether you’re beginning your infertility journey, in the throes of the ‘two-week wait’, just uncovered your hundredth negative pregnancy test or have recently experienced miscarriage or pregnancy loss and are terrified of trying again, I was you, I see you and it would be my honour to walk alongside you to help you create the family you so very much deserve.

Let’s Chat & See How We Can Best Help You


The Pathway
to Parenthood Reset


While the World Health Organisation classifies infertility as a ‘disease of the reproductive system’, it is rarely viewed as life-altering condition.

Yet for most of us, suffering from infertility is nothing short of life-changing.

We lose control not only of our physical and emotional wellbeing, but often our very identity.

No longer the TV presenter, the corporate executive, the lawyer, the teacher…. instead we become the barren woman who is failing at the very task she’s been put on this earth to do. 



As a result,

The happy-go-lucky socialite becomes the silent recluse;

The passionate lover becomes the cold and distant partner;

And the once focused and driven career woman makes way for an anxious and illogical mind.

Cycle after cycle is met with negative pregnancy tests, miscarriage, pregnancy loss and ultimately broken hearts. The emotional, physical, and financial strain proving almost too much to bear.


 Yet what is the alternative when becoming pregnant is the ultimate and only goal?

Is it possible to jump off the relentless treadmill and still create the family you so desperately desire?

I did, and you can too.

At A Modern Family we understand you and your journey because we’ve travelled along that same frustrating and soul-destroying road too. 

That’s why we’ve designedThe Pathway to Parenthood Reset, a tailored programme designed to ensure that the family of your dreams becomes an exciting reality


6 Week Online Programme

The Pathway to Parenthood Reset is our signature 6-week coaching programme that helps women, men and couples struggling with infertility expedite their journey to becoming healthy, happy parents.

Over the next six weeks we will help you reclaim control over your many and varied struggles with infertility, whilst clearing the pathway to ensure a smooth and more positive journey ahead.

We begin by examining and unpacking the societal expectations of childbearing women and men; ensuring you are up-to-date with the latest scientific reality of fertility; and help you gain the necessary tools for navigating and protecting your most precious relationships along the way, so that you can successfully navigate the many pathways to parenthood open to you.


Topics include:

  • Exploring motherhood and societal expectations of women and men of childbearing age

  • Infertility facts & figures – what fertility clinics don’t tell you

  • How your infertility journey is sabotaging your health, your bank account and most importantly your closest relationships

  • How to survive infertility as a couple, heal your relationships with family and friends, and answer those nagging well-meaning questions

  • Exploring the many and varied Pathways to Parenthood, including conversations with those who have conquered the mountain and created the family of their dreams

 What is included:

  • Initial ‘Unpacking Your Journey’ Private Coaching Call with A Modern Family’s Dr Kate Heard

  • 6 Weekly 45 minute 1:1 Coaching Calls

  • 6 Module Online Training Programme plus Interactive Workbook

  • 3-hour Exclusive Workshop for Supporting Partners plus a 1:1 ‘Couple Clarity Call’ at the conclusion of the Workshop

  • A Personalised 12 month ‘Pathway to Parenthood’ proposal tailored exclusively for each couple by Dr Kate Heard at the conclusion of the programme

  • Private Facebook Group

  • 24/7 Voxer Access to Expert Advice throughout the course

  • Six Weekly Guided Meditations

  • A copy of  ‘Inconceivable’ - A Guided Journal to record your personal journey to becoming A Modern Family
